Many believe that they will not go through afflictions, as they are children of people with position, possessions or material wealth. They put their hope in things that are fleeting and that they cannot get rid of evil.
Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of the Prime Minister of Egypt Joseph, who became a provider of nations, because the LORD GOD gave him Grace and Wisdom before the ruler of the peoples (Acts 7:9,10).
In addition to this position of honor and provision that GOD gave him, he probably had land and other material riches.
However, the children of him who was in an honorable and eminent position were on the same level of slavery as their brethren, the children of Israel. All began to have material losses and losses concerning dignity.
But the LORD GOD, in His Goodness and Mercy, had already reserved the best for them, who began to see many signs and wonders of GOD, like the sea opening before their eyes, in addition to receiving their share in the inheritance among their brothers, in the division of lands (Psa 77:15,16; 78:55).
The best is always yet to come, when someone lets himself be guided by the Word of GOD. It is written that the LORD JESUS CHRIST is the Word of GOD (Rev. 19:13; John 1:1, 2, 14).
The best is always yet to come, when the LORD JESUS CHRIST is his Head!
It is written that, in CHRIST, we are more than conquerors! (Rom 8:37).
The Master ALWAYS leads us in triumph, even when circumstances seem to be contrary (2 Cor 2:14).
And thanks be to GOD who gives us the victory through our LORD JESUS CHRIST! (1Cor 15:57)
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