
Repentance means receiving the Love of GOD | Arrepender-se é receber o Amor de DEUS

Repentance means receiving the Love of GOD

"Or do you have no regard for the wealth of His kindness and tolerance and patience [in withholding His wrath]? Are you [actually] unaware or ignorant [of the fact] that God’s kindness leads you to repentance [that is, to change your inner self, your old way of thinking—seek His purpose for your life]?"
Romans 2:4 AMP

This verse makes us better understand that repentance is a great kindness from the LORD GOD to us! HE is the one who gives us this condition to be sincere with Him and open our heart to confess to Him everything: how we made the Holy Spirit be sad with our bad decisions.

Thank GOD, when we do it, we are clean and He purifies us like we never made that bad thing!! It's a relationship based in trust. He give this privilege to us! It is one of the ways He tells us: I love you and I want you to be wonderfully well for eternity!


Arrepender-se é receber o Amor de DEUS

Ou será que você despreza as riquezas da sua bondade, tolerância e paciência, não reconhecendo que a bondade de Deus o leva ao arrependimento?
Romanos 2:4 NVI

Este verso nos faz entender melhor que arrependimento é uma grande benignidade do SENHOR DEUS para nós! ELE é quem nos dá essa condição de sermos sinceros com Ele e abrirmos nossos corações e confessarmos-Lhe tudo que fez o ESPÍRITO SANTO Se entristecer por causa de nossas más decisões!

Graças a DEUS, quando fazemos isso, ficamos limpos e Ele nos purifica de tal forma, que é como.se nunca ticessemos feito aquela maldade. É um relacionamento baseado em confianca. ELE nos dá esse privilégio! É uma das  maneiras de Ele nos dizer: Eu te amo e quero que você fique maravilhosamente bem pela eternidade!


LORD reveals Himself to you | O SENHOR Se revela a você

When we meditate on the Holy Scriptures (Bible), we are not the ones who know how to interpret it, to receive its Power. It is the Lord Himself, the One GOD Creator of all things, who reveals Himself to those who ask Him for a Word.

And when the Lord reveals Himself to you, He gives you understanding. The Message leaps into your eyes. You feel great joy! It is precisely in this Revelation of the Word that the Lord is giving you the answer you need, the blessing, the healing, the deliverance and, above all, the Salvation of your soul, Eternal Life. To be fulfilled, just believe in His Word and stay in what you understood, regardless of the circumstances.

How about seeking the Lord's Message for you now? Start meditating on the Psalms and New Testament. Ask the Lord to speak with you and He will answer you.

"Oh, taste and see that the Lord  is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!"
Psalms 34:8 NKJV


Quando meditamos nas Escrituras Sagradas (Bíblia), não somos nós que sabemos interpretá-La, para recebermos Seu Poder. É o próprio SENHOR, Único DEUS Criador de todas as coisas, que Se revela para aqueles que Lhe pedem uma Palavra.

E quando o SENHOR Se revela para você, Ele lhe concede entendimento. A Mensagem salta aos seus olhos. Você sente uma grande alegria! É exatamente nessa Revelação da Palavra que o SENHOR está lhe dando a resposta que você precisa, a bênção, a cura, a libertação e, principalmente, a Salvação da sua alma, a Vida Eterna. Para se concretizar, basta acreditar na Sua Palavra e permanecer naquilo que você entendeu, independentemente das circunstâncias.

Que tal buscar a Mensagem do SENHOR para você agora? Comece a meditar pelos Salmos e Novo Testamento. Peça ao SENHOR que fale contigo e Ele te atenderá!

"Procure descobrir, por você mesmo, como o Senhor Deus é bom. Feliz aquele que encontra segurança nele!"
Salmos 34:8 NTLH


At dawn: Facing a thief inside the house!

Read this chapter of Stories of Power,  that really happened with my mom and me.

Chapter 13 - At dawn: Facing a thief inside the house!

"Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me: say unto my soul, I am thy salvation."
Psalms 35:3 KJV 


We were sleeping normally when my mother woke up at dawn, saying:

- I had a bad dream about you. Let's pray.

She told me the dream:

- There was a man who tied your hands behind your back.

We prayed promptly, rebuking that evil in the Authority and Power that is in the Name of JESUS! We invoke the Word of GOD:

"no weapon forged against you will prevail,..."
Isaiah 54:17 NIV 

And we went back to sleep ...

In the same morning, around 5 am, there was a noise on the roof. We were in an almost century-old house, in a historic city.

I thought it was the neighbor, fixing the roof. The moment I turned my head to look at the corridor, it was the exact moment that the thief inside our house, in the corridor, put his head to spy on us!

I gave a terrifying scream like a horror movie, waking up till our neighbors !!!
My mother woke up scared, asking what it was! And I said distressed:

- Mommy! There's a thief here, inside the house !!!!

- What!! - She screamed (rising the Fire from toe to her head! When she feels that Fire, she is not afraid of anything!)
She shouted:

- We belong to JESUS ​​and I will send FIRE !!!

At that time, we heard his footsteps leaving, through the same place he entered, which was the roof! The thug didn't attack us or take anything! Glory be to God!!!

We noticed that he made a lot of mistakes when he tried to enter, because he chose the wrong spaces on the roof, without being able to pass! He had fumbled all over !!

The Lord obstructs the way to those who persecute us! (Ps 35.3)

GOD IS GOOD! For His Goodness, for His Zeal, he warned my mother in a dream, in order that we might pray, trusting in His deliverance! Prayer is the key to victory!

GOD lets His people go through the affliction, but He is with us at all times, to free us and know of His care, His Power! Thus, we grow in Faith and genuine trust in Him!

"Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him from all. (Psalms 34.19)

Remember Daniel in the lions' den, and his three friends in the blazing fire furnace! GOD let them go through the extreme situation, but He was with them, supporting and freeing! Praise the Lord of Glory! Hallelujah!

"He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him."
Psalms 91:15 NIV

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